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Nathan Wallis: Anxiety & Depression in Children & Adolescents

Jane Holford

Updated: May 26, 2022

Family Law Pathways Networks presents:

Nathan Wallis

Anxiety & Depression in Children & Adolescents

Wednesday 22 July 2020 1:00 - 2:30 pm AEST

The Family Law Pathways Networks across Australia invite you to join a free webinar by renowned neuroscience educator Nathan Wallis, discussing anxiety and depression in children and adolescents.

In this webinar, Nathan will discuss the way the brain works, the human stress response system and the changes to the brain in the teenage years and will share techniques for managing stress, anxiety and depression in children and adolescents. Nathan will consider these issues in the context of family breakdown.

Registered participants will be emailed a link for the webinar within 24 hours of the scheduled start time, the recording will be available for 7 days following the live stream. 


Nathan Wallis has been captivating audiences globally through professional training events, the documentary “All in the Mind”, and as co-host of the TV Series “The Secret life of Girls”.

His professional background includes early childhood teacher, child therapist, social service manager, university lecturer and neuroscience trainer. Following his time at the University of Canterbury, he founded a private training consultancy with the goal of facilitating easy to understand professional development reflecting the latest neuroscience discoveries and their practical, everyday implications.

Nathan is is an advisor for the NZ Ministry of Education, and an expert advisor for NZ Ministry of Vulnerable Children. With a profound reputation as a lively and engaging speaker, Nathan uses humour and plain language to condense twenty-five years of neuroscience research into his unique ‘tell you how it is’ style.

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