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5 Year Anniversary of the Royal Commission into Family Violence

Jane Holford

Updated: May 26, 2022

Five years ago on 29 March 2016, the Victorian Government received the report of Australia’s first Royal Commission into Family Violence and committed to implementing to all 227 recommendations. Check out the media release from the Victorian Government to read about the significant improvements made in the way they work and share information about family violence risk, and provide the community with more coordinated access to help and support through initiatives such as the rollout of The Orange Door network across the state, and the opening of specialist family violence courts.

The Age series on family violence - are families safer?

In acknowledgement of the 5-year anniversary of the Victorian Government's commitment to implementing the 227 recommendations made from Australia's first Royal Commission into Family Violence, The Age has published a series of articles that put a spotlight on family violence in our society and asks - are families safer?

'FALSE HOPE': WOMEN STUCK IN VIOLENT HOMES FIVE YEARS AFTER ROYAL COMMISSION The Age - 26 March 2021 by Wendy Tuohy Five years after Victoria’s landmark Royal Commission into Family Violence reports to police are at an all-time high, women are being hospitalised because of family violence at the same rates and 26,000 women and children are being turned away from housing services every year.

The Age - 26 March 2021 by Rachael Dexter Amanda Bingham, who met her second abusive partner when running away from the first, wants to help other women who have been mistreated by men, and the system.

DO BEHAVIOUR CHANGE PROGRAMS STOP MEN BEING VIOLENT? The Age - 27 March 2021 by Jewel Topsfield Millions have been spent on men’s behaviour change programs after the Royal Commission into Family Violence called for an increased focus on abusers. But do they work?

'YOU STILL BATTLE': ROSIE BATTY ON FIVE YEARS OF FAMILY VIOLENCE ACTION The Age - 28 March 021 by Wendy Tuohy The horrific killing of Luke Batty by his father laid the groundwork for a royal commission and $3 billion worth of Victorian reforms. Five years on, are women and children safer?

POLICE UNDERGONG A 'SIGNIFICANT CULTURAL SHIFT' ON FAMILY VIOLENCE The Age - 28 March 2021 by Tammy Mills The way Victoria Police treats family violence has been turned on its head, but five years on from the royal commission, has the response changed?

'WORK ON THAT GAP': INDIGENOUS, CULTURALLY DIVERSE WOMEN STRUGGLE FOR FAMILY VIOLENCE SUPPORT The Age - 28 March 2021 by Kimone Fox Koob This webinar explored the digital divide and its impact on the remote delivery of child, family and community welfare services. Click the link to view the webinar.

'THIS WORK IS NOT DONE': CHILDREN STILL DYING AMID FAMILY VIOLENCE The Age - 30 March 2021 by Rachael Dexter Victorian children born after the Royal Commission into Family Violence delivered its landmark report five years ago have already died from abuse.

'STILL VERY MUCH A STATE EMERGENCY': WHAT FAMILY VIOLENCE STATISTICS TELL US The Age - 30 March 2021 by Rachael Dexter The final piece in The Age's series on family violence examines the data, the trends and what the experts say it all means.

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