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Liz Sanders: The Attachment Style Interview

Jane Holford

Updated: May 26, 2022

Family Law Pathways Networks presents:

Liz Sanders: The Attachment Style Interview

Wednesday 27 May 2020 1:00 - 2:30 pm AEST

As part of our free webinar series the Family Law Pathways Networks across Australia invite you to join a free webinar by leading expert Liz Sanders!


Attachment theory explains how the primary carer-child relationship emerges and influences subsequent emotional and physiological development across the lifespan. The Attachment Style Interview (ASI) is an evidence-based instrument that enhances practitioners’ understanding of family dynamics and the capacity of caregivers to develop meaningful strategies for resilience. Designed by the Centre for Abuse and Trauma Studies at Middlesex University, the ASI has used been widely used in the UK and other European countries across out-of-home-care and child protection for over ten years. The ASI is relatively new to the Australia and this webinar will provide FLPN members with a short introduction to Attachment Theory and Styles followed by an explanation of the ASI and how the instrument is used to:

  • assess the strengths, resilience and risks of potential carers/guardians/adopters;

  • assess parents seeking the reunification of their children from care;

  • assess the support system that underpins families with children who have experienced trauma, neglect and/or abuse; and

  • how to determine strategies that promote resilience and stability in families.

The application of this approach moves practitioners on from being trauma informed to being trauma responsive and is applicable across the lifespan.

Registered participants will be emailed a link for the webinar within 24 hours of the scheduled start time, the recording will be available for a period of time following the live stream.


Liz Sanders has a background in Social Work and Family Therapy and over thirty years experience working with vulnerable children and adults for whom the experience of early abuse, trauma and insecure attachment continues to impact negatively upon their lives. Originally from the UK where she managed mental health services across London along with experience in a range of services. She previously managed Uniting NSW/ACT’s Newpin program, leading its transformation into a successful re-unification program, that became Australia’s first Social Benefit Bond. Liz has presented on working therapeutically using an attachment model at a number of national and international conferences and provides consultations and supervision in NSW, QLD and ACT.

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