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Jane Holford

New website supports fathers across Australia

Relationships Australia Victoria (RAV) is excited to announce the release of a new website that is dedicated to supporting fathers across Australia. It provides free information, advice and resources for dads, and a toolkit for professionals who work with fathers and families.

The website has been developed as part of a national Support for Fathers project that aims to support young men and fathers in their role as parents and partners, with the outcome being an increase in men’s involvement in achieving gender equality and reduced violence.

With funding from the Department of Social Services as part of the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010-2022, RAV is delivering the project collaboratively, with input from Relationships Australia’s federation of state and territory organisations.

The Support for Fathers website has been designed to help men to access relevant services and community supports, and to promote engagement and collaboration across the fathering sector.

It follows consultations with over 900 dads, families and service providers around Australia, which focused on identifying fathers’ support needs and how services can best engage with and meet the needs of fathers.

Support for Fathers Project Coordinator, Dom Alford, said that this engagement with the community had been pivotal in informing the website’s design and content.

“The consultations demonstrated that men, and in particular fathers, often don’t access family services or benefit from parenting support opportunities, and that accessible and relevant services are required to reduce barriers to fathers gaining support,” Mr Alford said.

“While there are some initiatives that are already in place for fathers, men and their partners are saying that they need more information and services tailored to the needs and circumstances of dads.

“As a result, our website includes free resources that are specifically written for dads, and a guide which assists services to be accessible to, and inclusive of, fathers. Additional resources will be added in future and we invite feedback from users on their experiences and content on the website.”

Later this year, RAV will start delivering free community information sessions and professional training workshops around Australia, as part of a national roadshow. Community information sessions will focus on topics including seven types of dad, healthy family relationships, bonding with kids, connecting with other dads, and dads at work, while workplace training sessions will showcase the new Professionals’ Toolkit.

Individuals and workplaces can arrange a session or workshop, or provide feedback on the website, by emailing or contacting Mr Alford on 0437 305 881.

“We’re excited to have released this new website. We encourage fathers, partners, families, service providers and the broader community to use and share this resource with those around them,” Mr Alford said.

The website and resources can be accessed at

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